This Woman’s Work
My nineteen-year-old has entered the workforce. It’s not her first job, but it’s the first one with full-time hours, benefits, and the ability to advocate for herself genuinely. She’s learning what matters to her when it comes to a job. If you are only in it for the coins, you can find places that will give you many opportunities to make as much money as you want. But what are you offering in return? She had hours galore, many of which came in the form of last-minute cancellations and mandatory overtime disclosed when she was already there. As a parent, it’s hard to watch your adult child go through blatant abuse and not want to show up to the job and protect her. I had to utilize the tools I learned through my life experiences and many project management courses and influence without authority. It helped her understand her options and why she needed to advocate for herself.
I’m happy she eventually left that position and has found something more than her speed. She is comfortable, and I can exhale as a parent. The lesson learned is there is always a lesson to learn, build upon, and file under E for the experience.
What are your current experiences teaching you?